It’s been a while, but I am still here and thriving. I have outgrown allot of toxic relationships.
I have a reached a point in my life, where I have the ability to cope mentally and emotionally with any crises or pre-crises.
What would be a “big deal” is no longer a surprise, no longer a disappointment, but a question to self,
“Is this worth disturbing my peace?”
I catch myself if I ever find myself being tested by the Universe, and almost always, the answer is,
You cannot change what is, you only have the power to control how you react and allow a situation or relationship to affect you.
Questions like, is this situation, friendship hindering my growth?
In the interim of one’s journey, you will encounter people who feel entitled, as if you owe them something.
The answer is, you owe no one, nothing. It is normal to outgrow relationships, it is part of life. WHY?
Because everyone experiences life differently and moves at their own pace.
Ultimately, You only owe it to yourself and God, to live a happy fulfilled life.
Many friends and family don’t understand that concept.
You cannot control how people perceive you, and ultimately its irrelevant to you, and not your responsibility to change anyone’s mind. It is however, solely your responsibility to pursue your dreams, and continue to grow to become the best version of your very being.
If people want to take it personal, it is just that, their personal problem, nothing to do with you.
People have their own life to live and their own lessons to learn along the way.
This means, that a few relationships will come to an end, if so, then so be it.
Just like a plant outgrows their pot and needs to be replanted into another pot,
Outgrowing relationships is 100% normal and the natural way of life.
Siempre Amor pero de lejitos! <3