We are all seeking validation.
Many who seek validation in the real world, and don’t get it, rely on social media.
Receiving likes and comments, helps boost one’s ego. I mean c’mon, I am also guilty of it.
It’s addicting and I also find it like a game to paint an image of ourselves to the world, and how we want the world to perceive us.
Many young adults, feel that “a profile” defines who you are, as a person, but it’s NOT.
Seeking validation via social media, is a false representation of the real, “YOU”, of who you really are!
Instead, It is important that you provide yourself with Self- Validation.
Self-Validation is the act of accepting our own internal experience, including our thoughts and feelings.
Self- validation includes us, encouraging ourselves, acknowledging our strengths, our weaknesses, accepting our feelings, and prioritizing your needs, it all circles back to SELF LOVE!
Normalize, being PROUD of your accomplishments, and being OKAY, with not having to post everything on social media!
Live life, Raw, unfiltered and seek validation from within!